Key feature and capabilities

Improve product sustainability with a platform that provides fast, effective Life Cycle Assessment. EcoDesignCloud is a cloud-native solution to power your eco-design and manage sustainable products.  

Sustainable Product By Design

EcoDesignCloud is environmental footprint analysis software that enables you to eco-design products. Start integrating sustainability into the design process, with a powerfull tool that allows you to quantify, analyze and reduce your footprint at company level. 




EcoDesignCloud is a solution to provide complete assessing the environmental impact of design choices, enabling businesses to make more sustainable decisions. This includes evaluating materials, production methods, and supply chain logistics to identify the most eco-friendly options. Our platform can provide guidance to apply continuous monitoring and improvement, ensuring that sustainability remains an ongoing priority throughout the product lifecycle.

Run Automated Life Cycle Assessment

EcoDesignCloud  is an environmental footprint analysis software to power eco-designed products. Our LCA Eco-Scoring engine is built on ISO-standards Life Cycle Assessment methodology to automate quantifying 16 Product Footprint  indicators to helps you create and reduce environmental impacts in order to overcome challenges of sustainability mana


Product Catalog

Automate the LCA of your company’s products and roll them out to all your Platform’s Product Catalog enabling you to manage an eco-designed product portfolio based on standard and normalized Eco Score. Import your product models in your simulation or company projects to respond with one click to your clients demands and business opportunities. 



Create a simulation, import a product model from your catalog and tailor your scenario to any business case by defining your product logistics, usage and end-of life stages. Roll out Gradle-to-grave” LCA scenarios to all of your products easily.  


LCA Comparison

An LCA comparison approach gives you the opportunity to prioritize sustainability experimentation and initiatives. This improves the performance of life cycle thinking, facilitates better understanding of processes or materials interpretations, and makes it easier to identify environmental impacts and opportunities at all stages of the product life cycle. 


Current Projects

Easily evaluate product environmental footprints with automated and scalable Product LCA workflows with your stakeholders, empowering designers, procurement professionals and manufacturers to exchange digital LCA projects and promote the environmental performance within your company stakeholders (internal or external partners).