Get started with LCA

Life Cycle Assessment is a reliable, science method for quantifying the environmental impact of products based on PEF standards.

What is Life Cycle Assessment ?

Life Cycle Assessment is an essential and recognized approach enabling organizations to determine the environmental impact of their products throughout their life cycle. 

Science-based methodology

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a key process of footprint evaluation by applying ISO 14040/44. It is globally recognized to acheive sustainability commitments, transition to Net-zero, and Science-Based Target initiatives (SBTi). 

This methodology provides a robust, data-driven approach of identifying the sources of emissions and the insights of reducing them. By skilfully applying LCA, companies can inspire action, and innovation on science-based sustainability criteria. 


LCA quantifies valuable input on resource consumption, emissions and the potential footprint associated with each stage, from the extraction of raw materials through to production, usage and end-of-life disposal. 

Conducting a comprehensive LCA can be a demanding process. To provide sustainability leaders and companies with a simplified approach to navigating this process, EcoDesignCloud is a digital methodology solution that outlines the key steps involved in conducting an life cycle assessment and footprint reporting. 


LIfe Cycle Assessment takes a comprehensive approach, considering every stage of a product's life cycle: from raw material extraction, manufacturing to distribution, usage to end-of-life.

Sustainable roadmap

At the core of commitments to a sustainable strategy, cost-reduction and a greener brand identity

Product Life Cycle Assessment enables companies to make the right strategic choices to achieve emissions targets with confidence. It is essential for identifying areas for improvement and implementing positive change to reduce environmental impacts. It also facilitates communication and disclosure for environmental impacts by providing fact-based documentation of footprints.

With policy changes on the way to a more sustainable business focus, LCA paves the way for organizations to comply with actual and future regulations, greener work practices and it provides the foundation for corporate sustainability reporting. 

PEF indicator

How to build company reporting using LCAs?

Environmental impact reporting, by digitalization

Scaling LCAs is a process in which an entire products Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is carried out for each product and can be easily done to a large number of products in no time. By simplifying the application of product LCA to all the company activities, it makes it possible to start accounting business footprints at corporate level.

Sustainability challenges

Traditional methods are difficult to scale impact reporting at company-level, and do not meet the needs of a global ecological transition, particularly for manufacturing companies with a large portfolio of products, clients, and trading partners. 

Centralize footprinting collection

Often, products in the same category are made up of similar materials, processes, and parts, but in different quantities and sizes depending on your client demands or opportunities. Creating your eco-designed products with associated emission factors makes them available in your own product footprint database, so they can be easily found, communicated, and used time and time again in your day-to-day activities. 

In-house capacity

The perception of life cycle assessment efforts in many companies that do not have in-house LCA capabilities is a significant amount of capital to account and time for product-by-product impact. The goal of our Sustainability Platform is to solve this problem by doing more with a centralized approach to product sustainability and impact visualization. 

3 reasons to choose us

Why EcoDEsignCloud ?

Simplify Life cycle Impact Recognition

Facilitate the identification of key environmental impact factors throughout the entire product lifecyclen, in just a few clicks.

Perform Efficiently Scalable Product LCAs

Generate comprehensive Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) for entire product categories in one streamlined process.

Centralize Environmental Footprint

Simplify understanding, access and monitoring of environmental impact data with a single tool for both experts and non-experts.

Sustainable transition management

Build a digital storage of products, materials, processes, and business case that make up your company's footprints.

Start conducting effective, scalable lifecycle assessments that align with your company's sustainability initiatives. By using environmental impact data on an ongoing basis, your company can achieve greener operations, better practices and more rational ways of working on sustainability matters. 

LCA automation

Our robust Life Cycle Assessment automation engine measure the overall footprint of products. Each LCA generated is standardized in following ISO standards ( 14040/44 )and on the basis of European Product Footprint (PEF) methodology. 

Mass import of Bill of Materials

You'll take your detailed BOMs for each product in excel format and simply import them into the product composition section. This quick operation will automatically be detailed and allow footprint visualization into EcoDesignCloud. 

Benefits of LCAs

Reach top-performing sustainable products by quantifying, analyzing, and reducing footprints from the design phase

Pursue environmental impact reduction by prioritizing eco-design solutions in one tool.

Identify improvements and opportunities

LCA can help you identify opportunities to use resources more efficiently and improve environmental performance. This means optimising used of materials, reducing manufacturing processes, and plan a low-impact product usage.

Enhanced product design and engineering

LCA facilitates informed eco-design choices that prioritise sustainability and respond to changing customer expectations.

Regulatory compliance and product positioning

LCA ensures compliance with environmental regulations and differentiates your brand, your company, and your products in a more environmentally conscious way.

Step-by-step footprint centralization backed by LCAs 

Step 1 : Run Automated Life Cycle Assessment

Scalables LCAs

Eco-design product models "Gradle-to-gate» into an extensive Product catalog, run LCA scenarios using the simulation feature, and start designing sustainable products directly based on "Gradle-to-grave" LCAs for your current company’s projects. All environmental impact from manufactured LCA projects will be automatically scaled with quantifications in your sustainability reporting. 

Step 2 : Interpret, improve and disclose LCA fact-based resulsts

Product Footprint Reduction Mapping

With this new knowledge of your products based on footprint sensitivity analysis, you can begin to map out opportunities to reduce your product's impacts. All this information about your current environmental impacts can help you set viable improvement targets and ensure that you can achieve them. At the same time, you have a powerful sustainability toolset for communication, marketing and branding, while ensuring that you don't mistakenly engage in greenwashing. 

Step 3 : Manage your footprint reporting

Real-Time Metrics & Dashboards

Now that you have verifiable results on the environmental impact of each product, you can even calculate the total environmental impact of your company, by clients, supplying parterns or by classes of product. This dashboarding can be done easily using filters in Analytics reporting. It allows you to calculate in real time, for example: 


  • the total impact of a specific marketing campaign delivered to a client. 
  • the overall footprint of CO2 emissions, water consumption and other categories of PEF (biodiversity impacts, etc.) for a business project, based on the quantities of products supplied.
  • the average CO2 emissions, water consumption and Eco Score rating for the product class, or a hallmark applied to a particular client

Ready to transform your sustainability strategy ?

Life cycle assessment is the cutting edge of environmental impact calculations. EcoDesignCloud is a valuable tool that enables companies to assess their environmental footprint and implement sustainable practices. 

Footprint centralization backed by LCAs 

Start eco-designing product models "Gradle-to-gate» into an extensive Product catalog, run LCA scenarios using the simulation feature, and import your sustainable products directly based on "Gradle-to-grave" LCA for your current company projects. All environmental impact from manufactured LCA projects will be automatically scaled with quantifications in your sustainability reporting.